Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Open A New Window

Long story short...

We re-fied our mortgage, were able to skip a payment and used the extra money towards new vinyl windows for our house. See told you I would make it was short.

But I think my husband thought I was crazy when I asked him to save me one of the old wood windows after he took it out. I tried to explain my vision and the ideas I have seen around the blogosphere, but I just don't think he understood. So, here is a perfect picture from Room by Room.

I absolutely LOVE this idea and I have 11 windows at home that look just like this (minus the pretty paint and nice vinyl lettering). Here's to hoping I can snag one of those windows before they hit the trash!

Monday, November 8, 2010

Wish List II

This week's wish list item isn't so much a thing I want, but a think I want to do.

I love Etsy. Love, love LOVE it!

I want to start my own Etsy shop, but feel like a Jack-of-all, Master-of-none type of crafter. My husband says I have A.D.D. when it comes to crafting. I am always trying something new, and then switching to something else. So picking one thing that I'm good at to sell in an Etsy shop is hard for me. I have plenty of ideas, but then I think about it too much and decide maybe that's not the best idea.

Oh well. Maybe one day I'll have a shop of my own. But until then I'll just have to settle for helping my mom at craft fairs!